Catholic Family Fun, by Sarah A. Reinhard (paperback)

Article number: P-3771
Availability: In stock (1)
Discover how game night/day meets Catholicism in Catholic Family Fun: A Guide for the Adventurous, Overwhelmed, Creative or Clueless, an inspirational guidebook offering activities with strategies and suggestions for fun family engagement - with one another and with faith! A great resource for parents, grandparents, caretakers, and family friends, this book conceptualizes a wide range of fun, practical activities that strengthen faith formation in young to grade-school age children.Author Sarah Reinhard, busy mother of three, tested these activities in her own family. Conversationally written, she includes her experiences and stories, adding a uniquely personal element. While she sympathetically acknowledges the limitations of parenting and family time, she encourages a realistic approach to bringing real life and faith together-an approach in which faith does not have to be put on the back burner, but rather becomes part of your ongoing family interaction. Respecting different family demographics and dynamics, she also encourages modification of her ideas to what works well for you and your family. Her reassuring, 'you-can-do-it' approach takes into account modern-day realities such as dual working parents, single parents, technological domination, pregnancy, marriage, and more. Divided into nine chapters-silly activities, storytelling, craft projects, meal sharing, outdoor adventures, places to go, saints to celebrate, ways to serve, ways to pray-there is a whole lot of fun to go around for everyone! Handy indexes of preparation time, duration, and cost will help you find the ideas that suit your your family's schedule and budget. "Faith Angle," "Wider Angle," and "Make it Yours" sections throughout the text offer ideas on how to incorporate elements of the Catholic Faith into your activities and life at large. Whether it's playing outside in nature and reflecting on God's role in creation, visiting the zoo and associating animals with their respective saints, making scrapbooks for received sacraments, learning about the symbol of water in Baptism through water fights, sharing jokes to live in the spirit of the priest who opens his homily humorously, performing puppet shows to tell the stories of the Bible, creating a Mary garden, or volunteering at a local food pantry, each activity is a family bonding experience that can deepen faith. If desired, additional content is provided on the book's website. Equipped with these activities that can be adapted to suit your Catholic family, you'll be on your way to having some fun while building a "domestic church" of your very own! (If you are trying to purchase this item and it shows as "out of stock," please call the store during business hours (512-382-1728) to double check--we are constantly re-stocking items and it simply may not have updated to the web. Thank you for your patience and patronage!)
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